Thursday, November 17, 2011

What Grinds My Gears

1. People who place hot sauce and ketchup in their refrigerators. Why would you add a cold condiment to hot food? It confuses my mouth.

2. People who stand directly in front of train doors, and get upset when you push pass them. MOVE TO THE SIDE IDIOT.

3. People who can't take a hint. I was on the train last week studying for my psych test, when a 50 something guy tries to strike up a convo with me. I had my headphones on, a gazillion papers in my hand and a mean mug on my face. If that doesn’t say leave me the hell alone, I don’t know what does. I guess I'll just have to buy a shirt that says I Heart Murdering Strangers; maybe I won't be bothered then.

4. People who care more about animal rights than human rights. The will all die alone with their many cats.

5. Hipsters!!! (Need I say more?)

6. How Mr. Schuester never lets Mercedes shine on Glee. Rachel Berry is a JERK!!!

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