Friday, August 28, 2009

District 9 Review

With a Budget of 30 million dollars Neil Blomkamp and Peter Jackson put forth one hell of collaboration. In a not too distant future, extraterrestrials take an unexpected trip to earth and end up staying for 28 years. In most alien movies most of the viewing audience will cheer for the home team, but in this movie it’s different. I found myself waiting for the earthling’s comeuppance, I felt I could relate to and more importantly felt sorry for these home-sick creatures. The movie serves as a satire to apartheid, a form of segregation practiced in South Africa in 1948 to 1990. The movie has some funny parts here and there, and starts off slow in the beginning but gains its momentum as soon as the man character undergoes some sort of transformation. A lot of people may not understand this movie and it may not be for the weak at heart. if you don’t like to see things or people get blown up, this may not be the movie for you. (opps! Can you say spoiler)

I didn’t come up with a rating scale as of yet but I give this movie two thumbs up.

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